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LDC (casual vacancy) Election 2012

Election Address by Noel Allen

Dear colleagues,

I writing this address to ask for your support for the election on the 5th of November for the LDC casual vacancy.

My background : I started as an apprentice for British Rail on leaving school. After several years service, I left to work in a outside private industry. There I trained as a trade union rep for the TGWU. When I returned to the railway industry, I worked as a technician for another TOC before joining SWT as a driver.

I am aware that we have a lot of issues to work through and feel that I can add to and enhance this, offering new ideas. Those of you who know me will see that I am always approachable and willing to help.

Having more unity within the branch can only help us all. Being divided by trivial matters does not help our cause. I believe we are all equal. Nobody is "more equal than others"

I am asking you to vote Noel Allen on the 5th OF NOVEMBER.

Thank you for your precious time and support.

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